Government of india SCHEME GO's

SL.No Government of India GOs Download Links
1. MSE CDP Schemes- New Guidelines Dated: 24.05.2022 Size:1107kb  

Government of Tamilnadu SCHEME GO's

SL.No Government of Tamilnadu GOs Download Links
1. Integrated MSME Growth Park-G.O.(Ms) No.32 dated:09.09.2016 Size:1328kb  
2. Guideline for MSME Growth park dated:09.09.2016 Size:5,517kb  
3. Common Production Infrastructure-G.O.(Ms) No.26 dated:18.05.2015 Size:1,785kb  
4. Formation of Industrial Estate in Joint Venture Mode-GO.30 dated: 25.04.2017 Size:601kb  
5. New Clusters in the outskirts in JV Mode-GO(Ms)No.50 dated: 03.10.2013 Size:1685kb  
6. Shifting Existing Industrial Estate outside urban Area GO(Ms)No.10 dated: 19.02.2015 Size:939kb  
7. Shifting Existing Industrial Estate outside urban Area GO(Ms)No.44 dated: 04.09.2013 Size:2,952kb  
8. Shifting Existing Industrial Estate outside urban Area GO(Ms)No.78 dated: 20.11.2023 Size:1,419kb  
9. Micro Cluster Development Programme GO(Ms)No.34 dated: 26.05.2022 Size:1,598kb